Thursday, October 26, 2006

I must say that I have a new love: 100% cotton sheets. I know, I know--they wrinkle and all, and I have been known to iron my sheets right on my bed (just ask my former NYC roommates who caught it on video!). But there is nothing like the crisp, clean feeling of 100% cotton.

I made some delicious pork cutlets last night. The recipe called for dried sage, and I thought I had some, but I didn't. In my panic to find a substitute, I remembered that we had a sage-looking plant out on the back patio, and I figured it was worth a try. It smelled sage-y, too, so I grabbed a few leaf-things and chopped them up very fine, and I'm not dead this morning. I really should find out what that plant is. It's next to our huge basil plant that I turned into pesto last week before it freezes, so I figured it would be ok.

1 comment:

Lael said...

I used a mystery herb from our garden a few years ago to spice up some meat ... it turned out to be catnip. Mmmmmmeow.