Monday, May 09, 2011

Day One, Check!

This morning I started my fourth round of chemo.

Because I've felt relatively good over the last few weeks, and have ached for independence, I didn't ask anyone to give me a ride.

But on Sunday night my uncle, who's in town for the weekend with his wife at my cousin's house, and who can't stand to be alone himself, asked if he could come with me.

And then I realized... I was scared and a tiny bit discouraged and daunted at the start of a new round that may very well kick my butt.

So he came. and just sat there for two hours while I got pumped up with vincristine and danurubicin. And some serious steroids and zofran. We both mostly just worked away, reading the Post and working on our laptops. But just having him there with me meant the world. I wish I had a picture of the two of us.

Then I went and got the chest x-ray I was supposed to get last Friday. I have a nasty cough from my allergies that just sits there and worries me about bronchitis or infected fluid in my lungs. I guess chemo makes you a bit more susceptible. At any rate, I knew I had Diedra's wedding on Saturday and a crazy busy important day at church on Sunday, and I was so afraid they would want to admit me. So I took my cough medicine with codeine, did my nasal rinse, and prayed and prayed. And went in today. The tech had the radiologist send the results to my doctor, and I haven't heard anything from him, so... no news is good news, right?!? But Steve was there with me.

And I received such sweet texts of concern and offers to come with me today. I'm so grateful for my friends--and even a perfect stranger at church today who offered to come with and actually brought me chicken enchiladas and strawberry shortcake tonight. And we're backyard neighbors so we can be friends.

And tonight when I was just entering the "feeling sorry for myself" stage, I went on a walk with Marni, Lindi, and Noelle. It was just enough to keep my neuropathy feet moving and lungs burning and emotions at bay. How I love these women.



M said...

Thank goodness for good friends... and clear lungs!

Jason said...

good luck with this new round, how can you already be on your fourth round of chemo, it must be daunting, but so happy you have such a wonderful support network!

amy smart said...

Bless you JR. I hope this round goes well - I'm grateful that you are surrounded by wonderful people. I wish I was there to sit by you too.

Lots of love and prayers for you.

Artsy Aut said...

Im sending you happy thoughts across the ocean and the whole US! They have a long way to travel, but Im confident they will make it to you :) Love you!

Lesli said...

Oh, the courage you are summoning as you press onward and upward! Our prayers continue on your behalf - and our admiration. Sending love your way!

The Wyler Family said...

sending lots of love and laughs your way!!! i love you all the days!

Sarita Leone said...


Strangers are only friends we haven't yet met. This one is wishing you well, pulling hard for you and praying her heart out that you'll beat the monster. Keep strong--you've got friendship, love and prayers coming at you from all angles.

Love it that you shaved. I used to sneak a razor to my husband now and again so he could trim his beard properly. We were very careful, he never got cut and it made him feel so much better. I'm glad I did it.

Thinking of you!

Laurel said...

i hate that it didn't work out for me to come. Hate it.

Hope you know you're in my thoughts and prayers and temple roll and heart.

I'm so proud of you for being so brave AND for not always feeling like you have to be strong.

you amaze me, Reeder.
You really really do.
