A view of the old Cape Henry lighthouse at Fort Story, near Virginia Beach
These allergies are kicking my trash! I had no idea I could blow my nose so many times in one day. I'm doing everything I can think of--sinus rinses a couple of times a day, saline spray ALL the time, allegra-d, mucinex, robitussen. I just don't want my persistent post-nasal cough to aggravate my lungs and turn into some kind of bronchitis, putting off my chemo.
Is that weird that I don't want to put off my chemo? I just want to GET 'ER DONE!
That's right. Let's move past this chapter of my memoir already, ok?
Last week I met with my oncologist. Everything looks great. Yahoo! My hair is growing back (I even went bare-headed to stake conference this weekend! Oh the freedom! liberty!) and my blood counts are looking good. I successfully convinced him to wait a week before I start Round 4, the late intensification--back to IVs and shots and pills but no spinal taps. Hooray again!
In the meanwhile, time to press forward with a conference paper, Relief Society reorganization, and Diedra's wedding! Please don't let me have to blow my nose in the middle of that!
"Bless you!" to your sneezes and everything else you are taking on right now! So happy for the great news!
Oh goodness, you sounded like you had more than allergies yesterday. I hope you start feeling better soon!
Jenny, you are trying everything I usually do for allergies and still struggling! Not fun at all. Hope you can get on top of that health challenge before your next treatments begin. Take it one sneeze at a time. Love you!
So glad to hear you're doing so well. I've kept you in my thoughts and prayers. Kick leukemia, Jenny. I'm pulling for you!
Hope your allergies subside. I've been doing a fair bit of sneezing here, too.
I thought the new hair looked great this weekend!!
David Knott
I thought the new hair looked great this weekend!!
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