Goodbye to the little sock covering it every day so the dangly didn't catch on everything or poke out.
Goodbye to weekly flushes and dressing changes.
Goodbye to sutures pulling on the skin of my arm.
Goodbye to three-minute showers with Glad Press 'n Seal and cloth medical tape (3 boxes!).
Goodbye to 3/4-length sleeves.
Goodbye to not being able to sleep on my left side without my heart going into flutters.
Goodbye to flinching anytime anyone grabbed my left arm.
Goodbye to not being able to lift weights and my lost guns.
Today I started my maintenance chemo--a 10-minute IV of vincristine once a month and a bunch of pills. (which means I'll have to get an IV once a month. and weekly blood draws where they now have to poke me.) Hooray!