Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What to Do at the Beach in the Rain...

We had one glorious day of pure sun. Well plus the half-travel day on Friday and the somewhat overcast day on Sunday. And boy oh boy was that a glorious day--all day long on the beach, soaking in the sun, soaking in every drop, storing up for darker days. Oh my. I love the Outer Banks. I also love the friends and the food, the games and the hours of laughing and chatting and playing. I love it.

So when Monday rolled around with pouring rain and wind, we knew we were in for adventure. First we ventured out on the tandem bike. My favorite part was waving at everyone we saw--they must have thought we were nuts but they all (mostly) smiled and waved back and honked. We drove straight through every puddle head on, and veered around corners and under those dune bushes. When we got back and I climbed off the bike, I started to say something about not getting as wet as I thought we would when I saw Gregory's completely soaked t-shirt. He certainly took the brunt of it!

Then we headed to the beach. I'm waiting for Jen to send her pictures to prove our strategic moves with an air mattress and the angry waves. We boogie boarded and jumped and dove and played to our hearts' content. The water was warm and we forgot it was raining. The last wave ride was the best--with the four of us anchored on that air mattress, we really caught air and wave and we almost died in the process, but the exhilaration was well worth it.

There were like 20 more people, but we were the last ones left...

Then we stomped off the sand and climbed in the hot tub under the protection of the back porch. And we talked and laughed and ate orange bell peppers and the more daring jumped into the pool while the chickens (yes that's me) climbed into a warm shower.

And home again home again jiggety jig. Only with some great beach memories and sunshine AND rain.


M said...

Hooray for the Outer Banks!! Let's go again soon.

The Wyler Family said...

what a great weekend. i'm happy to have a picture with all the great stories. oh, how i miss our storytimes! we must run together again.