Oh how I love it. The smells, the people, the cheers, the groans, the excitement, the fireworks. The time to chat. Learning how to keep score (thanks Deana and Aaron). The only time I'll really relish in a hot dog (and at Reams grocery store in Provo. I do not know why I love Reams hot dogs, but I do. Oh I do. And I think they're out of business, which means no hot dogs for me in Utah because there is no real baseball team).
So we ran through the rain to get to the stadium early. And sat there. For 3 hours. In this. We watched the facilities people, sopping wet, sweep water down the drain. We huddled in the concourse, the wind blowing the rain through, flooding the place. Then the rain magically cleared and we sat in wonder, watching and cheering as the field was uncovered, only to be covered back up. More rivers and lakes. Go, go, Noah. We finally left at 10:00 pm, and the game wasn't called until 11:00pm. Poor Ivy. Her first exposure to the magic of baseball. Deluged.

Never fear. Just three days later, Annie and her boyfriend Todd were in town, and we used our rain tickets to watch a smashing success against the Mets. It was one of those perfect summer evenings--perfect temperature with a fantastic breeze. The full moon came up over the stadium. The Nats were on their very best behavior--they scored a couple of home runs.
And I breathed it all in. I LOVE baseball...
You're cute.
I think you were living with me when you started this love affair. Right??
Loved talking to you today.
I love baseball too. But you got it wrong, The Unit is finally playing for the right team. The True team!
The weather was good because we were there, you know. :) I don't like my face in that picture - it looks a lot bigger than it is. But we sure had a good time, didn't we?
So glad there was a happy ending! So excited for my upcoming trip to Chavez Raven to see the Dodgers!
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