Last night Josh and I went to the symphony. We had dinner at Bangkok 54 with some of his friends before. Delightful food and interesting conversation. Then we rushed to find parking at the Kennedy Center and pick up our tickets and find our seats safely before the downbeat. Enter Prokofiev, a breathtaking Schumann cello concerto, and Beethoven's Symphony No. 4, with a very entertaining German guest conductor. Ahhhh...
On my way home, I received a text from my roommate that I had left my purse at the restaurant. A bit confusing, since I had my purse with me. I quickly realized it was my wallet I had left back on Columbia Pike. Apparently the busboy had found it had fallen on the floor when we scurried out of there. He actually found my address on my driver's license and brought it to my house, but since I wasn't there, he didn't want to leave it with my very dishonest-looking roommate (just a joke--she's probably the most honest person I know!). This morning I headed over to Bangkok 54 as soon as they opened and found my wallet, safely deposited in a tied-up grocery bag in their locked office.
What goes around comes around. My efforts to be honest this week were paid off in a very small way with some great Thai food and Thai efforts to be honest. It reminds me of the law of compensation. Things don't always compensate immediately, but they do compensate. I'm a believer.

I love Bangkok 54 even more now! What a great story!
He drove it to your house? That's amazing!
AND I love that you got sweet and sour. You know why? Because when we were chatting about it, that's what I was saying in my head: JENNY eat the SWEET and SOUR. I'm not even kidding you. I'm being serious. Dead serious.
Me and my intentions... thinking happy thoughts for you! xoxo
Jenny, how are you? Christy and I enjoy reading your blog now that we have found it. I don't usually do this kind of thing, but I'd like to think of myself as a people person, and I think I know someone you would be interested in getting to know. He's quite an amazing guy actually. Please email me at for more details. Thanks
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