New pair of shoes that make you run really fast: check
Beautiful fall day: check
Ipod, tuned to OBX tunes (thanks, Mauri! you know they made me dance!): check
Flash cards, full of amazing American history tidbits (including FDR's 100 days legislation, the Mexican American War, some of the effects of the Revolution, and notes on Edward J. Larson's Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion): check
Bananas, gatorade, clif bar, yucky vanilla goo that was on sale at REI (but really did give me a burst of energy): check
Ibuprofen: check
Ice bath (yikes!): check
Route: Gravelly Point at National Airport, along the Potomac on the Mount Vernon Trail, under the 14th St. bridge, past the Jefferson, Washington, and Lincoln, under Memorial bridge, past Roosevelt Island, across Key Bridge through a corner of Georgetown, along the C&O canal trail
Miles run: 22 (although I meant to run 20 but I lost the mile marker where I meant to turn around and ended up going an extra mile each way)
Friends seen on trail: Emily Johnson
Shin splints: nary a one due to new shoes and strenuous stretching and countless prayers
Victory meal: 5 Guys cheeseburger and fries
State of Jenny Reeder: spent but victorious
Do you read whilst you run? (Notice I phrased that like an oldentimer so you, my historian friend, would understand it.) Job well done!
Good for you! You are awesome!
Wow! You are my inspiration. Talk to you soon!
You are amazing! While you were running I was eating chocolate chip cookies while sitting on my couch... hummm... I think I need to make some changes!! Keep up the good work.
wow, jenny reeder... that's so exciting! i ran a 5k on saturday. does that count for something? hee, hee.
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