Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ah... relief! I love the feeling of relief! I just turned in my final project for the semester, and I'm done. I finished my first semester of my PhD...

Relief is also the feeling I experienced when I woke up and realized my dream of being back in the MTC to go on yet another mission was just a dream. I don't even know where I was going... I was just wandering around the MTC in a bathrobe, trying to find a shower before the first orientation meeting, and wondering how in the world I could get my hair highlighted before I left...

So many ways to find relief...

1 comment:

Lael said...

Jenny, relief is knowing you aren't the only one who has those dreams! My latest was about two weeks ago ... I was a missionary, and I lost my companion and couldn't even remember who she was supposed to be ... I was trying to explain to people that I didn't belong on a mission because I'd already done one, and no one understood because I'd forgotten Italian. Then I realized I was in Spain. Aaaah, morning. I have these dreams several times a year. I wonder what "mission" represents in our brains that it is such a powerful image?